Five Ways to Avoid the December 31st Retirement Backlog

Many Federal employees choose to retire on December 31st. This is primarily to optimize the conversion of paid time off. Unfortunately, this tendency causes a severe backlog in the ability of the Office of Personnel Management or OPM to process retirement requests promptly. Because of this delay, many employees have had to live on reduced [...]

Sick Leave, Annual Leave, and Military Credit: Time That Pays Out

For Federal government retirees, time in service is one of the most critical elements in determining when they can retire and how large their annuity payments could be. The good news is that a few situations can improve those numbers and make your retirement outlook a bit rosier. Military Time Buyback Many federal employees have [...]

2022-05-13T00:08:07+00:00April 9th, 2022|Annuity, Featured Articles, Pay Outs, Retirement|
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