Maximizing Your TSP Match for FERS Employees

As a civilian Federal employee, you have access to what the Government calls a Thrift Savings Plan or TSP. The TSP bears a striking similarity to some privately held retirement vehicles, like the 401k. In the same way, many companies contribute to employee 401k plans, the Government makes contributions and matches to your TSP. Maximizing [...]

CSRS and FERS: The Two Federal Retirement Systems

In 1987 the Office of Personnel Management for the Federal Government rolled out a new retirement plan for Federal employees in the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The new Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) was very different from the existing program and is now the most commonly held retirement program for Federal employees. The government [...]

The TSP Plan is Changing: What You Need to Know

Beginning in June 2022, the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is making several changes to how its service operates. If you are a government employee, it is crucial to understand these changes and how they will impact your retirement plan. Upgrades in how you contact TSP While the TSP contact center will still be available by [...]

2022-05-05T20:09:58+00:00April 2nd, 2022|Federal Employees, TSP Benefits|
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